date_range 02/01/2011 16:35
That moment when you start to panic and turn aimlessly searching for that annoying whistling noise from that beloved Stuka Although a ‘one unit a day’ policy isn’t something I’m going by, the Stuka does happen to be something I added today, complete with its annoying whistling noise as it drops a big scary bomb on your head, only to become an easy target thereafter.
date_range 02/01/2011 16:32
[jwplayer mediaid=”443″] Very early in-development video. It has a 1080P resolution so you should be able to fullscreen it on any computer. Models and textures are still simple, but the functionality is there!
date_range 01/01/2011 16:04
date_range 31/12/2010 15:00
Work hasn’t stopped the last two days. I’ve incorporated a turret system for the boats so bullets have a place to come from, and are also completely functional complete with whizzing noises from bigger guns and the turret rotating properly. The only two features of the turret system I still have to finish are the destruction of them, which is pretty much done except for the boat’s collision system interfering at the moment and turrets ray-tracing for something in-between the player and them to leave those poor scenic rocks alone. The turret system is probably one of the main systems required for all the...
date_range 30/12/2010 00:39
I’m finally getting the hang of the models and their textures and have done somewhat of a reasonable job of recreating the M101 105mm Howitzer from the original game. Thankfully most (although not all) of the units sighted in the first game have had some sort of proper name so I was able to track down similar and sometimes the exact weapon to replicate. Despite this, I’ve also recreated the cargo ship that’s usually sighted as a sign of hope for the player to replenish their ammo and some of their health, while ‘cargo ship’ didn’t give me much of...
date_range 28/12/2010 00:44
Not a boat I’m still working on my little project, not surprising after only a day since I announced it. I’ve spend a few hours being stuck on texturising things and at the same time making some changes on the side. I managed to get the average FPS up from 60-100 to 300-400 on a HD5870, which I assume should translate to something playable on the average target audience’s system. Besides that I’ve also reworked the level to pretty much perfectly match the original game, and have even added the original cheat codes plus an extra one as well as...
date_range 26/12/2010 17:29
In 2002, a game titled ‘Operation Blockade’ was released. Personally I was very fond of this game despite it’s rather surprisingly bad ratings. Unfortunately this game was the last of it’s ‘Beachhead’-genre kind, and as well as my favourite of the group. Operation Blockade (2002) To solve this, I’ve begun to redevelop the game using the Unity engine. I’ve so far recreated a fairly accurate representation of the original island and the functionality of the first few levels, with planes and PT boats, both completely functional. The game will re-use the original sounds, this time powered by a 3D sound...
date_range 09/11/2010 12:30
Yay, after 12 years of schooling and somewhat of an effort at actually doing work, I’ve just had the last day of school! It’ll be nice to have a fair few weeks, or months for that matter, of holidays, and start to realize that I’m probably going from a 6-hour typical school day to a more repetitive 8-hour work day. Ah well, definitely a milestone achieved!
date_range 21/10/2010 15:38
As I happily sit back and watch people slowly fill up the highscore list I can’t help but play it myself and notice a few more problems I might fix. I’ve already posted a developer announcement through the app, but I’ll list the changes I’ll make here. Keep in mind Apple may take up to a week to review the update, so I can’t say when it’ll be available for download: – fix a case where lives are lost when too many balloons are on screen. – points are appropriately given now depending on the colour of the balloon. –...
date_range 19/10/2010 00:05
Finally, after quite some time, my new app is live. It’s unfortunate quite a few people got a similar idea as me as there’s a few apps like it, but it seems my time put into it paid off, as it has the most features. This is a bit of an experiment since I’m posting from some newish WordPress app on my phone and I don’t seem to be able to add pictures, so I’ll do that later at home. Feel free to read my 5-minute attempt at a support site which has a few screenshots on the app and...